

Hi friend, since you're here I know you?re interested in color analysis. 

You probably already know what Seasonal Color Analysis is. In a nutshell, it?s the process of finding the colors that look amazing on you. Color analysis is the evaluation of how colors look on you and identification of a set of colors, called a color season, that?s in harmony with your coloring. 

What Color Season Am I?

I?m sure this is the question that you're asking. And you?re not alone as thousands search the internet for a color analysis quiz to tell them their color season. 

Everyone wants to know what colors make them look fabulous. Right?

Unfortunately, after completing a color analysis quiz, you may not have much confidence in your results. You may have ended up with different answers from different quizzes. Now you may be more confused than ever! 

Before writing on this topic, I took several color analysis quizzes and none of them typed me correctly as a Light Summer. I had multiple results including Spring, Summer, Cool and Soft Summer. 

Color analysis is just not as simple as answering a few questions online. Unless you?re a color consultant, figuring out your color season can be difficult.

Since rebuilding your wardrobe based on a new color palette is an expensive project, you want to be sure of your best colors. You want the most accurate results before you start throwing out your clothes and shopping for a new wardrobe. 

Why A Quiz Doesn?t Work

Here are just a few reasons why an online color analysis quiz will not give you the best results in determining your color season.

Hair and Eye Color

A color analysis quiz usually focuses on your hair and eye color. Since Springs, Summers, Autumns and Winters can all have brown hair and / or blue eyes, the color of your hair and eyes are not dominant factors in determining your color season. Your hair and eye color can give you clues to your best color season, but they?re just one of many factors to evaluate.

Vein Color

A color analysis quiz will often ask if the veins on your wrist are blue or green. What if yours look blue green or look different at various times? It?s confusing. The color of your veins is not an accurate test of your undertone. You should focus on your face not your wrists for color analysis. 

Jewelry Color

Another common quiz question is do you look better in gold or silver. Most have a personal preference regarding the color of jewelry they wear which can influence their response. And did you know that those in a neutral color season can look good in both metals? This test is not a good indicator of your best color season. 


The main reason that a color analysis quiz will not give you the most accurate results is that human coloring is too diverse. All Springs, Summers, Autumns and Winters do not look alike and should not be typed the same. Everyone has subtle variations in your coloring that make you uniquely beautiful. It?s simply impossible to create a quiz that captures every possible variation. 

So, the next time you see an online color analysis quiz, think of it as a fun activity, not as an accurate color analysis evaluation. 

How Color Analysis Works

Color analysis is based on color theory, and it evaluates your undertone, intensity and value to find a color season that harmonizes with you. It involves analyzing how your skin reacts to specific colors by color draping or comparison to special color collages online. 

Instead of a color analysis quiz, look at your undertone, intensity and value to determine your color season. 


Determine if your skin has a warm or cool undertone. You look best wearing colors with the same undertone as your skin. 


How bright or muted you look is a consideration for finding your best colors. You should always be the focus, not the colors you are wearing.


If you are light, medium or dark is the third consideration to determine your color season. You want the colors you wear to enhance you, not wash you out or overpower you. 

You need to evaluate all three aspects of your coloring and how they work together. Harmony results when you wear the colors that match your undertone, intensity and value. 

I?m Here to Help

I wish I could color drape each one of you in person. But since I can?t, I have a Free Color Analysis Guide that you can download.

It explains more about color analysis, undertone, intensity, value and how they relate to the 16 color seasons. It also includes examples of the color seasons and their color palettes so you can clearly see the differences. 

I also have additional posts explaining the 4 types of Springs, Summers, Autumns and Winters to help you.


DIY Color Analysis

If you?re interested in color analyzing yourself, here?s some suggestions.

????????????????I have created several color products to help you with your color experimentation.

Check out my Digital Color Palettes with 32 seasonal colors or my basic Seasonal Color Palettes with 10 swatch cards for each color season. Each product will give you the colors with the right undertone, intensity and value to test.

Get Professional Help

If your coloring fits a season?s stereotype, then you should be able to figure out your best color season. But some have coloring that?s tricky to classify, especially if you have a mix of cool and warm characteristics. 

If you?re not sure about your color season, then it?s best to get an opinion from a color consultant.

Color analysis is complex. That?s why there are trained professionals and 16 color seasons with unique color palettes. 

Check out my Virtual Color Analysis process and see how easy it is. I?ve had remarkable results and countless happy clients who love their results and personalized color report. 

Get a Color Palette

After you know your color season, you will need a seasonal color fan. They?re the ultimate color guide to use for shopping and planning your wardrobe. 

My seasonal color fans are unique. The laminated fabric swatches are durable, water resistant, compact, and so easy to use. My clients love them!

????????????In summary, don?t rely on a color analysis quiz which will give you incorrect results!

Instead do a little reading about the color seasons before testing how you look in the different seasonal colors.  Then if you?re still not 100% sure, book a color analysis consultation with a trained professional.

Discovering my best colors was a life-changing experience for me, and I hope it is for you too!

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