

Seasonal Color Analysis Guide


COLOR Can Change Your Life

Color is powerful because it affects how you look, feel and act.  

Wearing colors that complement you will make your skin glow, your hair shine, and your eyes sparkle.  Look younger, healthier and more vibrant just by changing the colors you wear.  Expect to be amazed!

The problem is . . .

Most people don’t know that the colors they wear are distracting from their true beauty.  Wearing colors in opposition with your coloring make you look older, tired or unhealthy by emphasizing dark circles and causing your complexion to look pale or sallow.

Color Analysis is the solution!

Ready to look beautiful, feel confident, simplify your life, shop stress-free, save money and curate a colorful closet?  If so, you're in the right place.

Discover your most flattering colors with personal color analysis.   Color analysis matches your skin, hair, and eyes to a color season that's in harmony with your natural coloring.   

This is not the color analysis from the 1980's!  The 16 season approach is an advanced color analysis method using the science of color theory.

My seasonal color analysis guide simplifies personal color analysis and explains the 16 color seasons.

The main or True color seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter are based on the colors in nature.

Each season has 3 sub-types with variations of the true seasonal colors based on their dominant trait.

This creates 16 seasons with different color palettes to match your features and unique coloring.

True Spring, Warm Spring, Light Spring and Bright Spring
True Summer, Soft Summer, Light Summer and Cool Summer
True Autumn, Warm Autumn, Soft Autumn and Deep Autumn
True Winter, Cool Winter, Bright Winter and Deep Winter

Download your color analysis guide today and find your best colors to evaluate your wardrobe, hair and makeup.   

Get a 10% coupon by email to use on a seasonal color fan!

Claim your Colors and Reclaim Your Confidence
Grab your FREE Seasonal Color Analysis Guide Today!

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Get a 10% coupon and more tips to help you find your best colors by email.

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"I made a big change with my hair and am wearing colors I never would have thought to wear before reading Cheryl's color analysis guide and getting a seasonal color palette.  I get so many compliments on how I look." 


"I loved it!  Cheryl has a gift of taking the confusion out of color guidance.  This little guide was fun to read, easy to follow and more helpful than other color explanations I have read."


"The color guide helps you determine your color season so you can look your best.  I also did an online color analysis with Cheryl and received a handy color fan to help me go through my wardrobe."


"I loved how to the point the color analysis guide was.  It made it extremely easy to determine my color season."


Hi, I'm Cheryl and I believe in the power of COLOR! 

Learning what colors to wear was life-changing and that’s why I became a trained Color Consultant. 

My personal mission is helping you to discover the colors that make you look and feel like the beautiful and confident woman that you are.