
Schedule Your
Personal Color Analysis

Wichita Falls Color Analysis

I look forward to showing you the colors that make you look vibrant and glowing.   You will see for yourself the effect that various colors have on you.  Expect to be amazed during this life-changing consultation.

Your 1.5 hour color consultation will include draping with special color drapes under full-spectrum lighting to discover your best colors using the 16 color season method.   

Please do not wear colored contacts, colored eyeshadow, blush, bronzer or lipstick to your appointment.  It's also helpful to bring a color photo from your teens.

Your appointment will also include:

You will leave your appointment knowing:

Email me or text me at 940.733.4745 to schedule your appointment. 

Benefits from your Personal Color Analysis:

 Know with total confidence the colors to wear to look your very best.
 Look beautiful, healthy and more youthful.
 compliments on how great you look.   
 Gain more confidence because you look so amazing. 
Get noticed because people who wear color get more attention. 
 Get dressed in the mornings easily and stress-free. 

 Coordinate your outfits easily with more outfit possiblities. 
 Shop with ease, speed, and efficiency using your seasonal color fan. 

 Save money when shopping, by avoiding costly shopping mistakes.
 Create a beautiful wardrobe filled with colors that mix and match. 
Enjoy the positive benefits from your color analysis for the rest of your life.

What Clients are Saying

"Having a color analysis and using my color fan has definitely brightened up my life. I was always black and black! I am now aware that I can still be sophisticated wearing color.  My favorite colors are in the peach family.  It makes my skin glow and who would not want that!"

Patsy, Texas

"My favorite part was the color draping.  I'm a visual learner, so seeing it on me helped tremendously.  I've learned so much about myself and how to feel better every time I walk out the door.  Thanks for improving our community one woman at a time"

Mary, Texas