
Whether you?re a stay-at-home mom, busy professional or happily retired, you should feel like the beautiful and confident woman that you are.

You?re in the right place if you think you have no style, your style is boring, or you have no idea what your style is.  

If you?re ready to discover your authentic style, this four-part series is the perfect starting point to gain clarity about your style.

Here?s my Style Clarity process:

? Collect Style Inspiration

? Create Your Style Profile

? Customize Your Signature Look

? Curate Your Wardrobe

Are you ready to commit to the process?  

Here?s some tips for doing the challenges.

Do the challenges in order. Spend as much time as you need to complete each part, before starting the next. The more time you spend on the challenges the more you get out of them.

Feel free to share your photos and ask questions in my Facebook group. 

Get Started

Before you jump in, you need to understand that your personal style is unique to you. 

How you style yourself is an outward reflection of your inner self and an expression of your personality.  

God created us as unique beings. We look different, have different personalities, and express ourselves differently through our choice of clothes and how we wear them. 

I want to help you master your style from the inside out.

Think about your current wardrobe and answer the following questions using a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being ?I?m rocking it!? and 1 being ?I need serious help!?

? How much do you love your current wardrobe?

? How well does your wardrobe represent your personality (feel like you)?

? How well do your clothes represent the image you want?

? How well does your wardrobe work for your lifestyle today?

How did your wardrobe rate?

If you have a low score, don?t worry by the end of this series you will have a clear picture of your style and know how to build a wardrobe you will love.

Get Inspired

The first step in your style journey is to start collecting style inspiration.  A style inspiration folder is a great visual representation of the styles that appeal to you and how you want to look. You will naturally gravitate to the looks that resonate with you.

It?s important to visualize your style so don?t skip this step!

Our style changes and evolves as our life changes, but our wardrobes tend to stay the same. Even if you have a clear understanding of your style, this exercise is an excellent way to re-evaluate your current preferences. Think of it as your annual style checkup.

Pinterest is the perfect platform to save your style inspiration. Log into or set up an account on and create a board called My Personal Style.

Search for images on Pinterest that appeal to you. To ensure you get current images include the year in your searches.

You can also save images from any website from Safari on your phone if you have the Pinterest app installed. To save an image, click the share icon, scroll down, click Save to Pinterest, then select your style board. This allows you to pin outfits and clothing from your favorite online stores. 

Tips for Pinning

Pin items that you love, not just like.

Pin outfits, silhouettes, clothing and accessories you love, even if they do not work for your coloring or body shape because I?ll explain how to adapt them later.  

Pin items that you would wear, not just admire on others.

Pin items that work for your current lifestyle.

Pin at least 25 images and more is even better!

Take as long as you need to collect your style inspiration before going to Part 2.

Have fun pinning!
